New Delhi, Aug 8: Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh have the potential to become the biggest tourist destination in the world, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said while addressing the nation on Thursday."Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh have the potential to become the biggest tourist destination in the world. The government has started working on all the steps and reforms required in this direction," Prime Minister Modi said.

Emphasising on the potential of Ladakh in the sphere of tourism, the Prime Minister said: "Ladakh has the potential to become the largest centre of spiritual tourism, adventure tourism and ecotourism. It can also become a major centre of solar power generation "Prime Minister requested the film industry to come to these regions for shooting their projects. He said now there will be a proper use of the power and creation of new opportunities for development without discrimination. PM Narendra Modi Address to Nation on Article 370: 10 Takeaways From PM Modi's Speech.

Prime Minister added that organic and several herbal products are scattered across Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh."If organic and several herbal products are identified and marketed then it will greatly benefit the people and farmers of these regions," he said urging the enterprises from the country to come forward for this initiative.