Srinagar, December 6: An army personnel died of cardiac arrest during a search operation in the upper areas of Srinagar on Friday, officials said. The search operation was going on in the forest area of Harwan here in the aftermath of an encounter in the nearby Dachigam on Tuesday in which Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) terrorist Junaid Ahmed Bhat was killed. Sudden Death Caught on Camera in Indore: Man Dies of Heart Attack in Front of Doctor During Visit to Private Hospital; Disturbing Video Surfaces.

Bhat, a category "A" terrorist of the LeT, was involved in the October 20 attack near a tunnel construction site in the Gagangir area of Ganderbal in which a local doctor and six non-local labourers were killed. While the security forces were conducting searches for terrorists in Faqeer Gujree, Dara, in the Harwan area of the city, this morning, an army jawan died due to cardiac arrest, the officials said. Sudden Death Caught on Camera in Hyderabad: Devotee Dies of Cardiac Arrest After Suddenly Collapsing at Sri Anjaneya Swamy Temple, Disturbing Video Surfaces.

They identified the jawan as Jasvinder Singh of the Army's 34 Assam Rifles. Since the encounter on Tuesday, security forces have launched search operations in the vast forest area to trace terrorists.