Jaipur, February 10: In a shocking incident, a youth in Rajasthan was paraded naked for shooting video with 14-year-old girl. According to a tweet by ANI, the incident took place in Jaipur where the boy made the video to upload it on short video-making platform TikTok. As soon as the incident was reported, Police reached the spot to take a stock of the situation. Following the incident, Additional DCP Manoj Choudhary said the incident came to light after the video went viral on social media.
Giving details about the incident, Choudhary said after the video went viral, the girl's father made the youth take off clothes and thrashed him. "After video went viral, girl's father made youth take off clothes & beat him up", the official said. Meanwhile, the girl has lodged FIR against youth under POCSO&SC/ST Acts". Reports inform that the girl has lodged FIR against youth under POCSO & SC/ST Acts. TikTok Claims Another Life, Army Man’s Son in UP Accidentally Pulls Trigger While Posing With Pistol While Shooting Video.
Here's the tweet:
Rajasthan: Youth paraded naked for shooting video with 14-yr-old girl in Jaipur&uploading it on TikTok. Additional DCP Manoj Choudhary says, "After video went viral, girl's father made youth take off clothes&beat him up. Girl has lodged FIR against youth under POCSO&SC/ST Acts". pic.twitter.com/wGIvHVDyDJ
— ANI (@ANI) February 10, 2020
According to a report by IANS, the video clearly shows how the teenager was forced by the accused to roam on the streets naked while his face is covered. In the viral video, the boy is seen pleading while the accused could be heard abusing him and telling him how they have taught him a lesson for filming the TikTok video.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Feb 10, 2020 04:29 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).