Indore, January 15: A fire in a shopping mall destroyed garments worth about Rs 2 crore in Madhya Pradesh's Indore on Wednesday, an official said. Fire Department's assistant sub-inspector Sushil Kumar Dubey told PTI that no one was injured in the fire that broke out in the basement and first floor of a four-storey shopping mall located in the city's Dewas Naka. The commercial building was filled with smoke. Indore: Fire Breaks Out at High Street Apollo Mall, People Rush To Safety as Blaze Triggers Panic (Watch Video).
Dubey said the fire gutted a shop stocked with expensive clothes valued at about Rs 2 crore. The shop was opened only three months ago, he said. The blaze was subsequently brought under control, the official said. It is suspected that the fire was caused by a short circuit, he added.