New Delhi, August 10: Indian Railways on Monday rubbished an advertisement in a prominent newspaper inviting applications for 5,285 posts in eight categories. The Ministry of Railways has said that the recruitment in the Indian Railways is done by the department itself and no private agency has been given any contract. Indian Railways to Launch Airport-Like Contactless Ticketing System With QR Code, Says Railway Board Chairman VK Yadav.
The advertisement was given by an organization named “Avestran Infotech” having website address on August 8. It was mentioned in the advertisement that the Indian Railways is hiring for 5285 number of post in eight categories on outsourcing basis for 11 years. The application asked to deposit Rs.750 as online fee, and the last date for receipt of applications has been mentioned as September 2020.
Tweet by Indian Railways:
Clarification about an advertisement by a private agency in a newspaper regarding alleged recruitment in eight categories of posts on Indian Railways.
— Ministry of Railways (@RailMinIndia) August 9, 2020
The Ministry of Railways in a statement said. “It may be informed to all that advertisement for any Railway recruitment is always done by Indian Railways Only. No private agency has been authorized to do the same. The said issuance of said advertisement in question is illegal.” Indian Railways to End Colonial-Era Practice of 'Bungalow Peons', Board Says No to Fresh Appointments of TADK.
The ministry also clarified that the recruitment of various categories of Group ‘C’ and erstwhile Group ‘D’ posts on Indian Railways is presently catered to by 21 Railway Recruitment Boards (RRBs) and 16 Railway Recruitment Cell (RRC) only and not by any other agency. Vacancies on Indian Railways are filled up by giving wide publicity through Centralised Employment Notifications (CENs). Railways.
Online applications for these posts are called from eligible candidates all over the country. CEN is published through Employment News/Rozgar Samachar, and an indicative notice is given in National Daily and Local Newspapers. The CEN is also displayed on the official websites of RRBs/RRCs. The website address of all RRBs/RRCs is mentioned in the CEN. The ministry has initiated an investigation into the case. It said that the strict action would be taken agency which had given the advertisement in the newspaper.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Aug 10, 2020 11:49 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website