New Delhi, May 10: In a bizarre turn of events, social media platforms were set abuzz after the arrest of former Pakistan's Prime Minister, Imran Khan. Amongst the flurry of messages flooding the digital realm, one Twitter user managed to capture everyone's attention with a rather unconventional 'plea for justice'.

Twitter user Sehar Shinwari, a self-proclaimed social activist from Karachi in Pakistan, took to the platform to share her 'grievances'. In a tweet that gained rapid attention, she wrote, "Anyone knows the online link of Delhi Police? I have to file a complaint against the Indian PM & Indian Intelligence Agency RAW who are spreading chaos and terrorism in my country Pakistan. If the Indian courts are free (As they claim), then I am sure the Indian Supreme Court will provide me justice." Delhi Police Give Boss Reply to Pakistani Actor Who Blames PM Narendra Modi and RAW for Chaos in Pakistan, Get Applauded by Twitterati.

Delhi Police Say ‘No Jurisdiction’

As the tweet circulated, netizens eagerly awaited a response from the Delhi Police to see how they would handle such an unusual request. Without missing a beat, the Delhi Police's social media team decided to play along, delivering a witty response that left everyone in stitches. "We are afraid we still do not have jurisdiction in Pakistan. But would like to know how come you are tweeting when the internet has been shut down in your country!," they quipped, tagging Sehar's tweet.

Sehar, caught off guard by the Delhi Police's response, found herself in a predicament - and the butt of humour. Amidst the waves of laughter that resonated across the online community, Sehar's tweet became an instant sensation. Memes and jokes flooded social media, with users gleefully sharing the Delhi Police's response, relishing in the hilarity of the situation. Imran Khan Arrest: Ex-Pakistan PM Arrested From Outside Islamabad High Court; Here’s All You Need To Know.

It is worth mentioning that the mobile broadband services in Pakistan remained suspended nationwide upon the directive of the interior ministry amid violent protests against former Prime Minister Imran Khan's arrest.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on May 10, 2023 09:24 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website