In a disturbing incident near Pardi Police Station in Nagpur, an auto-rickshaw driver was assaulted by two female students and locals after making a threatening remark. The incident began when the students were asked by the driver to lower their voices, leading to an argument. The driver then allegedly threatened them by saying, "I'll do to you what happened to the girl in Kolkata," referencing a recent brutal rape and murder case at RG Kar hospital. Shocked by the threat, the students demanded the driver stop, pulled him out of the vehicle, and began assaulting him. Bystanders intervened, joining the attack. The situation calmed only after the driver apologised. A video of the altercation has gone viral, prompting public outrage and calls for stricter law enforcement. Kolkata Doctor Rape-Murder Case: Big Relief for Patients As Major Doctors’ Associations Call Off Strike After Supreme Court Appeal.
Auto Driver Threatens Students in Nagpur
In #Maharashtra's #Nagpur, a shocking incident occurred on Tuesday afternoon near #Pardi Police Station when an auto driver was beaten by two female students and local citizens after he made a threatening remark referencing a brutal crime in #Kolkata.
According to sources, the…
— Hate Detector 🔍 (@HateDetectors) August 23, 2024
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