Hyderabad, October 22: In a shocking incident, two minor girls were allegedly raped in Telangana's capital city Hyderabad in separate incidents. In the first incident, a four-year-old girl was playing near her house when she was called by her neighbour to his residence, reported The Times of India. The 23-year-old accused allegedly sexually assaulted her in Rajendranagar area. The man let go of out when she raised the alarm. Hyderabad Shocker: 30-Year-Old Woman Allegedly Gang-Raped by Three Persons Near Himayat Sagar.

As per the media report, after the incident, the girl's family went to their native place. The girl then narrated her ordeal to them. After coming back to the city, the rape survivor's family lodged a complaint against the accused. Based on the complaint, the police have registered a case under section 376 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) and under the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act. The girl has been sent for medical examination. The police have launched a detailed investigation into the case. The accused has been taken into custody. He is a motor mechanic by profession.

In the second case, A teenage girl was allegedly raped in Hyderabad's Banjara Hills area. The 17-year-old girl is an intermediate student. In this case, the accused has been identified as 23-year-old Bheem Raj. He was known to the teenager. He is an autorickshaw driver and lives in the girl's neighbour. Hyderabad Shocker: Youth Rapes 9-Year-Old After Taking Her to Under-Construction Site While Her Parents Were Away.

Raj had reportedly befriended the girl. He also promised to marry the girl. Earlier this year, he allegedly tooj=k to the girl to a room belonging to his friend and raped the girl. He also threatened the girl not to tell about the incident to anybody. However, the girl narrated the entire incident to her family recently. A case has been registered in the matter.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Oct 22, 2021 05:03 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).