Hyderabad, October 14: In a shocking incident, a 32-year-old woman was allegedly gangraped by three men in Telangana’s capital city Hyderabad. The woman works as a security guard. One of the accused is an auto driver. The incident took place on Wednesday night near Himayatsagar. A complaint was registered against the accused with the Rajendranagar police. The accused reported lured the woman to an isolated place after they met at a todyy compound at Attapur.
According to a report published in The Times of India, the rape survivor is a resident of Puranapul in the Old City and has been working as a security guard at a private organisation in Mehdipatnam. The woman reportedly went to the toddy ground in Attapur at around 5:30 pm on Wednesday to buy toddy. Hyderabad Shocker: 30-Year-Old Woman Allegedly Gang-Raped by Three Persons Near Himayat Sagar.
As per the media report, the auto driver was consuming toddy along with two other men at toddy compound, and when the woman was about to enter the compound, the accused stopped the woman and offered that he would purchase toddy for her. Later, all the three accused convinced the woman to join them to a better place where there was no disturbance, and they could sit and consume toddy. Telangana Horror: Woman Allegedly Gang-Raped at Private Hospital in Nizamabad After Being Forced to Consume Liquor.
“The accused and the security guard consumed toddy. When she was in an intoxicated condition, the accused raped her and also stole her valuables. After the assault, the accused left her at the spot and fled from there,” reported the media house quoting a police official as saying. She regained senses at around 9:45 pm. The woman also alleged that the accused stole her valuable items, including a gold mangalsutra and a cell phone.
A case has been registered under Sections 376-D and 392 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) on the basis of the woman’s complaint. The police are also monitoring the CCTV footage of the area. A manhunt operation has been launched to nab the three accused.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Oct 15, 2021 04:46 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).