In the week leading up to his wedding, a man from Hyderabad passed away during a surgery to enhance his smile, according to the police. On February 16, according to the FMS International Dental Clinic in Hyderabad's Jubilee Hills, 28-year-old Laxmi Narayana Vinjam died during the "smile designing" treatment. According to Laxmi Narayana Vinjam's father, he overdosed on anaesthesia and died. His father, Ramulu Vinjam, said that the hospital staff called him and requested him to attend the clinic after his son passed out during the medical procedure.

He said that when we hurried him to a nearby hospital, the staff there pronounced him dead. Ghaziabad: Sparsh Hospital in Shalimar Garden Area Sealed, Probe Launched After Patient Dies During Surgery. 

He was brought into the operating room at around 4:30 pm, and the process took nearly two hours. After they had called his father at approximately seven o'clock in the evening, he was taken to Apollo Hospital in Jubilee Hills, where he was declared dead upon arrival, a police official told NDTV. He said that his body had been submitted for an autopsy. US Shocker: Cancer Patient Dies After Surgical Robot Burns Holes in Organs, Husband Sues Manufacturer. 

Laxmi Narayana was set to tie the knot in the next month after being engaged a week earlier. Following a complaint from his family, a lawsuit for negligence has been brought against the facility. "We're looking through security camera footage and medical records", stated the cops.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Feb 20, 2024 02:21 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website