Mumbai, June 29: In a shocking incident, a 54-year-old man Pankaj Shah was declared dead by the doctors today after he was stung by honey bees at the Veer Savarkar Garden in Borivali, Mumbai. The incident took place on June 27 as per the information received from the BMC. While the other two Ramanuj Shah, a 32-year-old man; and Merrysta Ramona, a 46-year- old woman who also got injured are recuperating in Karuna hospital, Mumbai.
After the incident was reported, garden and insecticide department staff of the civic body visited the garden and has taken the necessary action, said the civic officials. Some sources say that the garden has been closed for visitors for few days.
After the incident, the residents of the locality are living under the fear of being stung by the bees. Honey bees stings are not only painful to human beings but also deadly. The insects are known to have different types of stings- acidic or alkaline. Science says that body's reaction to a bee sting may differ from person to person and can prove fatal in some cases.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jun 29, 2018 04:19 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website