Hazur Sahib Returnees to be Quarantined As 5 Asymptomatic Sikh Pilgrims Test Positive For COVID-19 After Returning From Nanded to Punjab

According to a tweet by ANI, the decision has been taken after five asymptomatic Sikh pilgrims returning from Nanded tested positive for COVID-19 in Tarn Taran in Punjab.

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Hazur Sahib Returnees to be Quarantined As 5 Asymptomatic Sikh Pilgrims Test Positive For COVID-19 After Returning From Nanded to Punjab

According to a tweet by ANI, the decision has been taken after five asymptomatic Sikh pilgrims returning from Nanded tested positive for COVID-19 in Tarn Taran in Punjab.

News Team Latestly|
Hazur Sahib Returnees to be Quarantined As 5 Asymptomatic Sikh Pilgrims Test Positive For COVID-19 After Returning From Nanded to Punjab
Punjab Police | (Photo Credits: PTI)

Chandigarh, April 28: All people returning to Punjab from Hazur Sahib in Maharashtra's Nanded will be put in quarantine facilities, the State Health Department of Punjab said on Tuesday. According to a tweet by ANI, the decision has been taken after five asymptomatic Sikh pilgrims returning from Nanded tested positive for COVID-19 in Tarn Taran in Punjab. "It has been decided that all returnees coming from Hazur Sahib are to be put in quarantine facilities. They'll be tested for COVID-19", the Punjab Health Department said in its order. Catch Live Updates of COVID-19 Situation in India and Across the World.

Hazur Sahib is one of the five takhts in Sikhism and is located on the banks of the River Godavari at the city of Nanded in the state of Maharashtra. Nanded is the centre of governance of Nanded district. Nanded is a major destination for Sikh pilgrims as the 10th Sikh Guru (Guru Gobind Singh) made Nanded his permanent abode and passed his guruship to the Guru Granth Sahib before his death in 1708. COVID-19 Cases in India Rise to 29,435, Death Toll Jumps to 934.

Here's the Tweet:

Reports inform that around 4,000 pilgrims from Punjab had gone to pay obeisance at the Gurdwara Hazur Sahib in Nanded. They were stuck there because of the coronavirus lockdown. On April 19, Union Minister Harsimrat Kaur Badal had said that around 2,000 devotees stranded at the historic Gurdwara Hazur Sahib in Maharashtra's Nanded will soon return to their homes in Punjab.

In Punjab, the total number of coronavirus cases stand at 313. The Jalandhar district continued to lead the COVID-19 tally in the state with 78 coronavirus cases, followed by 63 in Mohali. On Monday, Punjab Chief Minister Amarinder Singh drew the Centre's attention to the critical needs of the state in the light of the unprecedented crisis and lockdown. Singh urged the Union Home Minister to allow opening of small shops, businesses and industries in all areas except the containment zones, with full compliance of COVID-19 prevention measures.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Apr 28, 2020 10:29 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).

Hazur Sahib Returnees to be Quarantined As 5 Asymptomatic Sikh Pilgrims Test Positive For COVID-19 After Returning From Nanded to Punjab
Punjab Police | (Photo Credits: PTI)

Chandigarh, April 28: All people returning to Punjab from Hazur Sahib in Maharashtra's Nanded will be put in quarantine facilities, the State Health Department of Punjab said on Tuesday. According to a tweet by ANI, the decision has been taken after five asymptomatic Sikh pilgrims returning from Nanded tested positive for COVID-19 in Tarn Taran in Punjab. "It has been decided that all returnees coming from Hazur Sahib are to be put in quarantine facilities. They'll be tested for COVID-19", the Punjab Health Department said in its order. Catch Live Updates of COVID-19 Situation in India and Across the World.

Hazur Sahib is one of the five takhts in Sikhism and is located on the banks of the River Godavari at the city of Nanded in the state of Maharashtra. Nanded is the centre of governance of Nanded district. Nanded is a major destination for Sikh pilgrims as the 10th Sikh Guru (Guru Gobind Singh) made Nanded his permanent abode and passed his guruship to the Guru Granth Sahib before his death in 1708. COVID-19 Cases in India Rise to 29,435, Death Toll Jumps to 934.

Here's the Tweet:

Reports inform that around 4,000 pilgrims from Punjab had gone to pay obeisance at the Gurdwara Hazur Sahib in Nanded. They were stuck there because of the coronavirus lockdown. On April 19, Union Minister Harsimrat Kaur Badal had said that around 2,000 devotees stranded at the historic Gurdwara Hazur Sahib in Maharashtra's Nanded will soon return to their homes in Punjab.

In Punjab, the total number of coronavirus cases stand at 313. The Jalandhar district continued to lead the COVID-19 tally in the state with 78 coronavirus cases, followed by 63 in Mohali. On Monday, Punjab Chief Minister Amarinder Singh drew the Centre's attention to the critical needs of the state in the light of the unprecedented crisis and lockdown. Singh urged the Union Home Minister to allow opening of small shops, businesses and industries in all areas except the containment zones, with full compliance of COVID-19 prevention measures.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Apr 28, 2020 10:29 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).

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Maharashtra Weather Update: Cold Wave in Parts of State, Pune’s Baramati Shivers at 7.8 Degrees Celsius; Check Details

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