Hamirpur, December 29: Two people were burnt alive following a collision between two trucks in Hamirpur district of Uttar Pradesh, police said on Sunday. The incident occurred around 8:30 pm on Saturday, on National Highway 34 in the Sumerpur area, Circle Officer Rajesh Kamal said. "Two trucks were involved in the accident. One truck caught fire following the collision, leading to the deaths of the driver and his assistant. Their identities are yet to be established," the officer told PTI. Tamil Nadu Road Accident: 3 From Kerala Killed in Car-Van Collision Near Periyakulam in Theni District.

"The occupants of the other truck fled the scene and search is underway to locate them. We have not received any complaint in the matter yet. We are trying to contact the owners of both trucks," he added. The police said a fire brigade was called to the site and rescue and relief measures were initiated. Odisha Road Accident: 4 People Killed, 40 Injured As Bus Overturns in Koraput.

Some locals at the scene were reportedly seen capturing pictures and videos of the incident, they said. One of the video clips of the incident which surfaced on social media allegedly shows the assistant attempting to open the truck door to escape, while his body was almost entirely engulfed in flames.