Ahmedabad, October 16: In a shocking incident, a woman in Gujarat jumped into a well along with her five children reportedly after being haunted by evil spirits. According to reports, the incident took place in a village in Bhavnagar district on Monday afternoon. Police informed that the woman took such an extreme step after she faced financial difficulties. Moreover, the woman claimed that she was haunted by spirits as soon as she closed her eyes. As soon as some local villagers of Panch Pipla village came to know that the woman was jumping into her well, they rushed to rescue her.

According to details by Police, the villagers pulled out the woman and her eldest daughter while the fire brigade personnel later carried out a search operation of the other four kids. The mother, identified as Geeta Bhaliya and the eldest daughter, Dharmistha (10) were rescued. “We have recovered the bodies of four siblings, including two brothers and two sisters, aged between one and a half year and eight years from a well,” an official of Bhavnagar Police was quoted in a report by Hindustan TimesMaharashtra Teen Kills Self Days After Witnessing Road Accident, Suicide Note Says ‘Soul of Child Killed in Accident Calling Me’. 

Geeta’s husband Dharmshi reportedly told the police Geeta believed that someone had performed black magic on her After investigating the matter, Police informed that she left her home in Royal village with her children on the pretext of going to a temple in a nearby village.

The report further informs that the Geeta told the Police that evil spirits haunted her the moment she closed her eyes. Apart from the haunting spirits, the family of farm labourers was also facing financial difficulties. Mumbai Model Murdered by 19-Year-Old Student, Body Found in Suitcase.

Police informed that the woman that the past two years had been extremely difficult for her financially and often could not manage two meals. The woman said she wanted to end her life but was worried about what will happen to her children, so she took them along with her and jumped into the well.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Oct 16, 2018 04:35 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).