Surat, June 1: The Railway Protection Force (RPF) on Friday arrested a hawker from Surat railway station for mimicking Indian politicians while selling toys in trains. The hawker, whose video went viral on social media, has been identified as Avdhesh Dubey. He was produced before a Judicial Magistrate First Class court in Surat where he accepted his guilt. Dubey was also fined Rs 3500 and has been sent to 10 days Judicial Custody.
The six-minute-long video purportedly showing Dubey mimicking the Prime Minister, Sonia Gandhi, Rahul Gandhi, and Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, while selling toys to the passengers on a train. Idli Vendor in Mumbai Caught on Camera Using Toilet Water From Railway Station to Make Food; Watch Viral Video.
The RPF informed that he was apprehended during unauthorized vending in train no 17204 sleeper coach at Surat Railway station. The video that was widely circulated on social media showed Dubey mimicking and mocking politicians, including Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Rahul Gandhi and several other leaders.
Here's the Viral Video:
The RPF has filed an FIR against him under several sections of Railway Act, including section 44 (prohibition on hawking and begging), 145 B (spreading nuisance or using abusive language in railway carriage), 147 (unlawful entry into train), among others. Meanwhile, Surat RPF inspector Ishwar Singh Yadav was quoted in reports saying that as the video was being circulated widely, Police started inquiring about the toy seller and found that he was not a registered hawker.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jun 01, 2019 02:41 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website