Gujarat, November 5: In a horrifying incident, a 22-year-old man allegedly died by suicide in Gujarat's Morbi district on Wednesday. The man ended his life after setting himself on fire in Wankaner area of the district. The deceased was identified as Siddharth Khandeka. The deceased reportedly killed himself as he was upset that he could not earn enough money for Diwali celebrations.

According to  a report published in The Times of India, Khandeka set himself on fire after reaching home on Wednesday evening as he was depressed that he could not help his family financially. He was a mechanic and lived in the Bhatia society of the area. Rajasthan: 17-Year-Old Girl Dies By Suicide in Ajmer; Case Registered.

The deceased's father works at toll plaza. Khandeka was going through mental breakdown due to financial problem. As per the report, the fire was doused off by Khandeka's family members and neighbours. He was rushed to the Rajkot Civil Hospital. Headmitted to the hospital in a critical condition. Khandeka succumbed to his injuries during the treament.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Nov 05, 2021 03:44 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website