Mumbai, September 9: The Mumbai police on Wednesday arrested a businessman from Gujarat for allegedly sharing obscene pictures of a 21-year-old woman online and with her relatives. The accused, identified as AK Goklani, had also married her while hiding his first marriage. The complainant was employee of Goklani who used to run an online venture. The police arrested Goklani within 24 hours. Mumbai Shocker: 28-Year-Old Man Arrested for Circulating Wife's Obscene Videos to Obtain Divorce.

Goklani was in relationship with the woman. They got married earlier this year. About seven months later, the woman came to know that he was already married. She then walked out on him. In order to harass the woman, Goklani allegedly shared her inappropriate pictures on Instagram and send lewd texts to her family members. The incident did hurt the woman's sister too as her wedding was cancelled. Gujarat Shocker: Neighbour Allegedly Rapes 14-Year-Old Girl in Ahmedabad; Arrested.

"Goklani then created a fake account on Instagram and posted inappropriate photographs and videos of the woman. He also sent these images to her relatives and friends," a police officer was quoted by Times of India as saying. On Tuesday, the woman and her sister reached the MHB police station and broke into tears while narrating their ordeal.

"The complainant and her older sister were in tears when they visited the police station on Tuesday. They said that obscene texts were sent to their family members and their phone numbers were posted with obscene messages on web portals," the officer added. The cops immediately swung into action and found that the IP address used to create fake account belonged to Goklani.

The accused was arrested on Wednesday and produced before a court. He has been sent to police custody for two days. The police were looking if Goklani harassed other women using same methods.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Sep 09, 2021 02:45 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website