New Delhi, January 8: Gold prices in India crossed over Rs 42,000 on Wednesday, shortly after the international community was stunned with the missile attacks by Iran on two US military bases in Iraq. In the global markets, the precious yellow metal recorded another two-percent surge, peaking its rate to a seven-year high. Indian Nationals Warned Against Visiting Iraq, Carriers Told to Avoid Gulf Airspace as US-Iran Tensions Escalate.
In Mumbai, 10 grams of gold traded at Rs 42,400, followed by Rs 42,350 in Delhi. On the Multi Commodity Exchange market, the February gold futures jumped to Rs 41,278 per 10 gram of 24 karat, marking a nearly 1.5 percent surge. Silver futures also traded high, as the prices soared by 1.4 percent to settle at Rs 48,785 per 10 kg.
In India, the cumulative in gold prices has crossed the Rs 2,000-mark in the last four days. Experts are oer-sustaining-minor-injuries-watch-6495262.html" class="drop-thumb-link" title="Tourist Gets Hit by Running Train While Posing for Selfie on Railway Tracks in Taiwan, Dramatic Videos Show Traveller Sustaining Minor Injuries (Watch)">Tourist Gets Hit by Running Train While Posing for Selfie on Railway Tracks in Taiwan, Dramatic Videos Show Traveller Sustaining Minor Injuries (Watch)