New Delhi, November 2: Fuel prices continued to tumble further on Friday. In the national capital, petrol was slashed by Rs 0.19 and now costs Rs 79.18 per litre while diesel was cut by Rs 0.14 and costs Rs 73.64 per litre. Meanwhile, in Mumbai, petrol has been priced at Rs 84.68 per litre, a decrease by Rs 0.18 than the rates on Thursday, while diesel price in Mumbai saw a decline of Rs 0.14 and has been priced at Rs 77.18 per litre.

On Thursday, petrol was being sold at Rs 79.37 per litre in the national capital while diesel prices remained unchanged. Petrol witnessed a decrease of 18 paise in Delhi on Wednesday as compared to Tuesday. The petrol prices in Delhi are at Rs 79.37 per litre, down by 0.18 paise and diesel is at Rs 73.78 per litre. In Mumbai on the other hand, petrol prices are at Rs 84.86 per litre (decrease by Rs 0.16) and diesel at Rs 77.32 per litre. Ban on 15-Year-Old Petrol And 10-Year-Old Diesel Vehicles Ordered by Supreme Court in Delhi NCR Amid Rising Air Pollution.

There has been a relentless hike in fuel prices in the country over the past few months, which has been burning a hole in the common commuter's pocket. On October 4, Union Finance Minister Arun Jaitley had announced a reduction of Rs 2.50 per litre on both petrol and diesel prices after curbing excise duty on the commodity by Rs 1.50 per litre and urged respective state governments to slash the same amount at their end.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Nov 02, 2018 08:30 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website