A self-styled godman was sentenced to life imprisonment by a Rajasthan court on Wednesday. Swami Kaushlendra Prapannachari, better known by the name Falahari Baba, was convicted by the court for raping a 21-year-old law student. Who is Daati Maharaj? Know All About The Delhi Based Self-Proclaimed Godman And The Rape Case Against Him.
The Baba was arrested a year ago, on September 23, 2017 on charges of rape. The victim had alleged that Falahari Baba had raped her in his ashram in Alwar. The case was heard at a local court. Asaram Bapu Convicted! Victim's Father Thanks Everyone For Support, Says Satisfied With Verdict.
The police said that the victim had met the self-styled godman at his ashram in Alwar. According to police, the Baba's followers made the girl to spend the night at a room in the ashram saying that she will have to wait to meet the Baba as he wouldn't be meeting anyone on a "eclipse" night. Falahari Baba then raped the victim at her room. Ashu Maharaj, Delhi's Self-Styled Godman, Arrested for Allegedly Raping Woman and Her Minor Daughter.
The woman initially kept quiet about the incident but decided to speak against it after another self-styled godman Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh's case came to the limelight. Falahari Baba was arrested after it and his ashram searched. The Godman was called Falahari because according to his followers, he survived by only eating fruits. He was also made to undergo a virility test.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Sep 27, 2018 12:25 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).