Mumbai, April 10: The Mumbai police recently registered an FIR against unidentified operators of an instant loan app for allegedly circulating morphed nude photos of a woman. The woman, a beautician, took out a loan of Rs 10,000 through the instant loan app on April 1. Police officials said that morphed photos of the woman were circulated to recover the loan amount from the victim.

According to a report in the Hindustan Times, the 26-year-old complainant came across the instant loan app Everloan on April 1. The app offered instant loans at a low-interest rate with a seven-day payout period. The complaint took a loan of Rs 10,000 after furnishing her documents and getting a fresh picture clicked. Loan Fraud in Mumbai: Borivali Businesswoman Duped of Rs 28 Lakh by Loan Frauds on Promise of Providing Rs 4 Crore Loan for Business.

On April 7, the woman received a call about her loan repayment. During the call, the caller told the woman that she had only thirty seconds to repay the loan. A few minutes later, the woman and two of her contacts allegedly received her morphed pictures. The woman also received a message that threatened that her morphed videos would be shared with her contacts.

After this, the scared woman asked for a QR code and repaid the loan amount. Then, she approached the police and lodged a complaint against the app's operators. The police registered a case under various sections of the Indian Penal Code and the Information Technology Act. Datta Nalawade, deputy commissioner of police, said that such loan apps were known for going to any extent to get their money back. Loan Fraud in Mumbai: Man Forges His Aadhar Card and Other Documents, Replaces Father’s Name With Employer’s To Take Rs 26 Lakh Loan; Booked.

He also said that in some cases, victims have resorted to suicide. The report also states that Everloan's instant loan app has an office registered in London. Sources said that more apps are mushrooming even though the police are in touch with Google and Apple to remove such dubious apps from the app stores.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Apr 10, 2024 03:47 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website