New Delhi, January 1: The Enforcement Directorate (ED) on Wednesday said that it has attached nine wind turbine generators and land in Tamil Nadu held by a Surat-based company under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA), 2002, in connection with an alleged bank fraud case.

The wind turbine generators and land located at the Kulasekarapatti village of Tirunelveli district in Tamil Nadu, totalling to Rs 18.08 crore which were held by Messrs Nakoda Limited. PMLA Scam: ED Files Case in Maharashtra Cooperative Bank Fraud Row; Books NCP Chief Sharad Pawar's Nephew Ajit Pawar, Others.

"ED attaches under PMLA, 9 Wind Turbine Generators and land located at Kulasekarapatti Village of Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu which were held by M/s Nakoda Ltd, Surat totalling to Rs18.08 crores in a bank fraud case," a tweet by the ED read.Further details are awaited.