New Delhi, January 20: President Ram Nath Kovind on Wednesday said he was distressed to learn about the loss of 14 lives in a tragic road accident in West Bengal's Dhupguri. Fourteen members, including four children, of a marriage party died and 10 people were injured in a collision involving a stone-laden truck and three vehicles in Jalpaiguri district of the state.

"Distressed to learn about the loss of lives in a tragic road accident in Dhupguri, West Bengal. In this hour of grief, my thoughts and prayers are with the bereaved families. I wish speedy recovery for the injured," Kovind said in a tweet. West Bengal Road Accident: 13 Dead After Vehicles Collide Due to Fog in Jalpaiguri, PMO Announces Ex-Gratia of Rs 2 Lakh Each for Kin of Deceased; What We Know So Far.

The accident took place on Tuesday night. Police said the cars of the marriage party were going towards Dhupguri using the wrong side of the road, and the collision took place due to dense fog.