Delhi, August 27: Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Tuesday announced a scheme to waive arrears to clean up the Delhi Jal Board's books. During a press conference, the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) supremo said that water arrears of people having domestic meters will be waived off by the government. Over 13 lakh people will be benefitted from the scheme and the government will earn Rs 600 crore with streamlined metered connections. Free Power Upto 200 Units for Delhiites, Says Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal.

He said that the scheme will benefit over 10.5 lakh people living in E, F, G, and H colonies. People living in these colonies will get 100 per cent waiver while people in A and B category will get 25 per cent waiver and 50 per cent waiver for C category consumers. Kejriwal added that the late payment surcharge will also be waived off for consumers who have installed meters before November 30, 2019.

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Speaking on the work done by AAP government, Kejriwal said, "Delhi had primitive infrastructure before 2015- Only 58 per cent colonies had water pipelines, while the rest had supply through tankers. After 70 years of independence, only half of Delhi had piped water. Today we have covered 93 per cent of Delhi."

Kejriwal added that that the number of metered connections have also increased by 25 per cent since 2014-15 from 19 lakh to 23 lakh. The Delhi Jal Board's revenue also increased to Rs 1819 crores from 1219 crore in 2014-15.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Aug 27, 2019 01:31 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website