New Delhi, December 18: A man was dragged on the bonnet of a vehicle from Delhi’s Lajpat Nagar to DND flyover, the police said on Monday. The police said the incident took place on Sunday night, adding that no injuries were reported. A PCR call was received on Sunday night wherein the caller informed that while going towards the DND Flyover enroute Noida, the driver of a vehicle hit him in the Lajpat Nagar area and carried him on the bonnet up to the DND Flyover.

"This call was assigned to the Kotla police station, which contacted the caller on the given mobile number,” said a senior police officer. Based on the statement of the complainant, a case under Section 279 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) was registered and the driver of the offending tempo traveller, identified as Manoj Kumar, has been bound down in the case. Delhi Drag Case: Man Dragged On Vehicle Bonnet From Lajpat Nagar to DND Flyover, Video Surfaces

“On inquiry, Kumar said that he works as a driver and on that day while he was going from South-Ex, suddenly his vehicle touched the complainant's vehicle while plying on the South-Ex flyover (complainant was driving a canter truck),” said the officer. The tempo traveller driver tried to flee but the complainant held the bonnet and climbed on it in order to stop him. Delhi Hit-and-Drag Case: Car Rams Rickshaw-Puller, Drags Him Over 300 Metres in Lutyens Zone, Accused Driver Held

Man Dragged On Minibus Bonnet in Delhi

“Kumar didn’t stop due to fear as he was alone in the vehicle, while the complainant was with his driver. The vehicle of the victim has also been confiscated,” the officer said.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Dec 18, 2023 09:30 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website