New Delhi, December 30: Delhi Chief Minister Atishi on Monday said the drivers and conductors of public transport (DTC and Cluster) buses will be suspended if they are found driving away from designated stops without picking up the waiting female passengers there. Addressing a press conference, the chief minister asked the women of Delhi to click pictures of such buses and put it on social media so that strict action can be taken against the errant drivers and conductors. Pujari Granthi Samman Yojana: AAP Will Give Temple, Gurdwara Priest INR 18,000 a Month if Returns to Power, Announces Arvind Kejriwal (Watch Video).

The Transport department has issued an order for all the drivers and conductors of both DTC and Cluster buses to ensure picking up women passengers from the bus stops. Such drivers and conductors will be suspended if their buses do not stop to avoid picking up women passengers, Atishi said. Delhi Assembly Elections 2025: Arvind Kejriwal Accuses BJP of Manipulating Electoral Roll Ahead of Polls.

Delhi CM Atishi Speaking About Women's Facilities on DTC Buses

"Delhi government is committed to ensure that the women passengers freely use the buses as much as they need. The economy is strengthened if more and more women go out for work, education and other activities," she added. The women passengers in Delhi can enjoy free travel in public transport buses. The chief minister said the government reimburses both the DTC and Cluster buses for the 'pink' passes issued to women for free travel. So, there is no reason that the buses should not stop for the women passengers because there is no loss involved, she added.