In a significant operation, eight Bangladeshi nationals were apprehended in Delhi's Rangpuri area for illegally residing without valid documentation. Among the detainees is Jahangir, a scrap dealer, who had reportedly moved into the neighbourhood with his family a few months ago. According to neighbours, Jahangir and his family had been living in the area for over five to six months. “They are from Bangladesh and have no valid papers. All their IDs are fake, causing us a lot of trouble,” said a local resident. The police launched an investigation following complaints about their dubious identities and activities. Initial inquiries revealed that the documents presented by the family were forged. Crackdown on Illegal Bangladeshi Immigrants: 190 Illegal Immigrants Arrested in West Bengal’s Nadia in 1 Year; 52 in Last 45 Days.

8 Bangladeshi Nationals, Including Scrap Dealer, Arrested for Illegal Stay in Rangpuri

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Dec 29, 2024 05:34 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website