Defence Bases in Jammu and Punjab on Orange Alert After Fresh Intel Inputs of Terror Attack
After fresh intelligence inputs suggested that a group of terrorists from Pakistan has infiltrated into India, defence bases in Punjab and Jammu area have been placed on high alert."The defence bases in and around Punjab and Jammu are on high alert. The Indian Air Force has put its airbases in Punjab including Pathankot and Jammu on orange alert," government sources told ANI."
New Delhi, October 16: After fresh intelligence inputs suggested that a group of terrorists from Pakistan has infiltrated into India, defence bases in Punjab and Jammu area have been placed on high alert."The defence bases in and around Punjab and Jammu are on high alert. The Indian Air Force has put its airbases in Punjab including Pathankot and Jammu on orange alert," government sources told ANI."
The inputs were received by forces today morning after which they are taking all precautions to protect the defence bases," they said. A few days ago, the bases were on high alert but the alert levels were brought down a couple of days later, they said. Jammu and Kashmir: Over 40 Lakh Postpaid Mobile Services Restored in Valley, Internet to Remain Suspended.
There have been reports of a possible terror attack on major defence facilities since August 5 when the Centre moved to abrogate Article 370 that granted a special status to Jammu and Kashmir. Late last month, intelligence agencies had issued a warning against a module of eight to ten Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM) terrorists. The input suggests that the terror group may possibly try to carry out a suicide attack against air force bases in and around Jammu and Kashmir.