Madhya Pradesh, May 13: A huge crowd gathered to welcome Jain monk Pramansagar in Banda, Sagar district on Tuesday. According to images shared by ANI, people can be seen standing next to each other violating the social distancing norms that have been imposed on account of the coronavirus outbreak and the lockdown. Praveen Bhuria, ASP Sagar mentioned that directions have been given to investigate and take action against organisers if social distancing norms and section-144 were violated.
Pramansagar monk is a Digambar monk who took the initiative in Dharmbachao Andolan to oppose the High Court's decision to ban Sallekhana. He reportedly called for a massive gathering of 1 crore community members to celebrate the Apex Court's order putting a stay on the ban on Sallekhana. India Reports 3,525 Coronavirus Cases, 122 Deaths in Past 24 Hours; COVID-19 Tally Rises to 74,281, Death Toll Stands at 2,415.
Crowd Welcoming Jain monk Pramansagar in MP:
Madhya Pradesh: A crowd gathered to welcome Jain monk Pramansagar in Banda, Sagar district yesterday. Praveen Bhuria, ASP Sagar says, "Directions given to investigate & take action against organizers if social distancing norms & section-144 were violated".
— ANI (@ANI) May 13, 2020
The number of coronavirus cases in Madhya Pradesh has reached 3986 and 225 people have died so far in the state. Indore, Bhopal, Ujjain, Khandwa are the four major coronavirus hotspots in the state. Ujjain has drawn the Central government's attention with the recent spurt in cases. The total COVID-19 tally in India has touched 73,281 mark on Wednesday and the death toll jumped to 2,415.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on May 13, 2020 10:40 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website