Hyderabad, September 27: A baby crocodile surfaced from an open drain in Hyderabad during rains that lashed the city on Wednesday evening. The reptile came out of the drain in Chintal Basti in Khairatabad, triggering panic among local residents in the area in the heart of the city. People were in for a shock when the young crocodile crawled out of the drain which was in spate due to the downpour. Crocodile Spotted in Maharashtra Video: Seven-Foot Croc Enters Residential Area in Raigad's Mangaon, Rescued.
They informed the police, which, in turn, alerted the Forest Department. The reptile was spotted at the place where a bridge is being constructed over the drain. Large number of curious onlookers gathered to have a look at the crocodile, which is believed to have been washed ashore in the flood water. Crocodile Attack in Goa: 45-Year-Old Woman Killed by Crocodile at Amthane Dam.
Baby Crocodile Surfaces out of Open Drain in Hyderabad
Panic gripped, when a baby #Crocodile was spotted near an overflowing nala, in Chintal Basti under #Khairatabad Police Station limits, after heavy rainfall in several places of #Hyderabad.#HyderabadRains pic.twitter.com/08Rs1ZMVCH
— MOHAMMAD SIDDIQUI (@MFSIDDIQUI12162) September 27, 2023
After a four-hour-long operation, the Forest Department, with the help of Disaster Response Force (DRF) teams and police, caught the crocodile. The reptile was later shifted to Nehru Zoological Park in the city.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Sep 27, 2023 11:12 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).