Tapi, December 2: Tapi District Police on Wednesday registered a case against organisers of engagement ceremony of the former BJP Minister Kanti Gamit's granddaughter at Doswada village in Gujarat. A preliminary investigation has been launched. This comes days after a video showing hundreds of people dancing at the ceremony and flouting the COVID-19 norms went viral. "After verifying the authenticity of the viral video, we've registered an offence. The investigation is currently underway & we will take appropriate action in the offence registered," Sujata Majumdar, SP, Tapi District told the news agency ANI. 'COVID-19 Situation Likely to Grow Grim in Coming Months': SC Pulls Up Delhi & Gujarat For Worsening Coronavirus Situation.
In the video that was taken on Nonmember 30 this year, hundreds of people can be seen violating the COVID-19 security measures, immersed in dancing. Hardly a few were spotted wearing masks, without any social distancing being observed. The aerial view showed how the people flooded the area while disobeying all the guidelines by the state government. According to one eye witness, over 5,000 people attended the dance event. Gujarat Govt Imposes 'Complete Curfew' in Ahmedabad From 9 PM Tomorrow Till 6 AM on November 23; Milk and Medicine Stores Exempted.
Watch the Video Here:
Gujarat: Police say they've acted against organizers for not following #COVID19 norms after a video went viral showing hundreds dancing at the engagement ceremony of Ex-BJP Minister Kanti Gamit's granddaughter at Doswada village in Tapi district
(Viral Video from 30/11/20) pic.twitter.com/J2IkemUUp1
— ANI (@ANI) December 2, 2020
Gujarat is currently facing the second COVID-19 wave. In order to curb the spread of the virus, the Vijay Rupani government in the state has ordered a strict night curfew in four cities including Ahmedabad, Surat, Vadodara and Rajkot. The government has allowed a gathering of 100 people only in the wedding events. The state currently has 14,885 active COVID-19 cases.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Dec 02, 2020 03:42 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).