Couple Gets Married at UP-Uttarakhand Border After Groom Who Lived in Red Zone District Was Not Allowed to Enter Bride's Green Zone Area, Watch Video

A couple has no other option left but to marry at the UP-Uttarakhand border. According to a Times of India report, the groom lived in the red zone in UP, while his bride stayed in a green zone, in the adjoining Uttarakhand.

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Couple Gets Married at UP-Uttarakhand Border After Groom Who Lived in Red Zone District Was Not Allowed to Enter Bride's Green Zone Area, Watch Video
Wedding at UP-Uttarakhand Border (Photo Credits: Youtube screenshot)

Bijnor, May 4: A couple has no other option left but to marry at the UP-Uttarakhand border. According to a Times of India report, the groom lived in the red zone in UP, while his bride stayed in a green zone, in the adjoining Uttarakhand. Under the new COVID-19 regime, people of the red zone cannot enter a green zone. Therefore, the family decided to have the wedding at the UP-Uttarakhand border.

On Saturday, the groom Arvind got a pass to travel from the district administration. However, at the Bijnor border, his car was stopped by the police, who informed him and his family that they cannot travel beyond the point. The reason being the area is sealed and people from the red zone cannot travel to a green zone. Social Distancing Wedding at Dhar: Bride And Groom Exchange Varmala Using Wooden Sticks During Lockdown (Watch Video).

Here's the video of the wedding:

It was then that a fresh plan was chalked. Both the families arrived at the Uttarakhand border and the groom reached there with a priest and the marriage was solemnised.  Police personnel also took part in the wedding and ensured that social distancing norms were being followed. Bijnor district falls in the red zone after 31 people have tested positive for coronavirus.

Recently, a couple in Madhya Pradesh got married during the lockdown in a unique way. The bride and groom exchanged Varmala (flower garlands) using sticks in the state's Dhar area. A video of their wedding ceremony which is going viral shows the bridegroom putting the garland onto the bride using wooden sticks. The coronavirus lockdown has led to several weddings getting cancelled, however, there have been few families who decided to go ahead with the wedding, but celebrating the day with their immediate family members.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on May 04, 2020 12:08 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website

Couple Gets Married at UP-Uttarakhand Border After Groom Who Lived in Red Zone District Was Not Allowed to Enter Bride's Green Zone Area, Watch Video
Wedding at UP-Uttarakhand Border (Photo Credits: Youtube screenshot)

Bijnor, May 4: A couple has no other option left but to marry at the UP-Uttarakhand border. According to a Times of India report, the groom lived in the red zone in UP, while his bride stayed in a green zone, in the adjoining Uttarakhand. Under the new COVID-19 regime, people of the red zone cannot enter a green zone. Therefore, the family decided to have the wedding at the UP-Uttarakhand border.

On Saturday, the groom Arvind got a pass to travel from the district administration. However, at the Bijnor border, his car was stopped by the police, who informed him and his family that they cannot travel beyond the point. The reason being the area is sealed and people from the red zone cannot travel to a green zone. Social Distancing Wedding at Dhar: Bride And Groom Exchange Varmala Using Wooden Sticks During Lockdown (Watch Video).

Here's the video of the wedding:

It was then that a fresh plan was chalked. Both the families arrived at the Uttarakhand border and the groom reached there with a priest and the marriage was solemnised.  Police personnel also took part in the wedding and ensured that social distancing norms were being followed. Bijnor district falls in the red zone after 31 people have tested positive for coronavirus.

Recently, a couple in Madhya Pradesh got married during the lockdown in a unique way. The bride and groom exchanged Varmala (flower garlands) using sticks in the state's Dhar area. A video of their wedding ceremony which is going viral shows the bridegroom putting the garland onto the bride using wooden sticks. The coronavirus lockdown has led to several weddings getting cancelled, however, there have been few families who decided to go ahead with the wedding, but celebrating the day with their immediate family members.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on May 04, 2020 12:08 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website

UP Shocker: Couple End Lives After Argument Over Attending Wedding in Bijnor

UP Shocker: Couple End Lives After Argument Over Attending Wedding in Bijnor

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Kriti Sanon and Kabir Bahia To Get Married Soon? Video of Rumoured Lovebirds at Delhi Airport Sparks Speculation – WATCH

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