Lucknow, December 29: Uttar Pradesh Traffic Police on Sunday issued a challan of Rs 6,100 to Congress leader Dheeraj Gurjar, who drove Priyanka Gandhi on a scooter to reach the residence of former IPS officer SR Darapuri, who was arrested for protesting against the amended Citizenship Act last week. During the ride, both riders were seen not wearing helmets. Priyanka Gandhi Travels on Two-Wheeler to Meet Ex-IPS Officer SR Darapuri's Family, Accuses UP Police of 'Manhandling' Her After Stopping Convoy.

On Saturday, after the police tried to stop her, Priyanka rode pillion on the party worker's scooter to reach the former IPS officer's residence, where she met his family members.

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"UP Police stopped me while I was going to meet the family of Darapuriji. A policewoman strangulated and manhandled me. They surrounded me while I was going on a party worker's two-wheeler, after which I walked to reach there," she had told media persons.

"I was walking (after the car was stopped). I was surrounded, strangulated. They pushed me ... by a woman police person. I fell down. They stopped me and then I went on the scooter of a party worker," she said.

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