Lucknow, September 24: The law student in Uttar Pradesh's Shahjahanpur, who has levelled rape allegations against former BJP MP Swami Chinmayanand, was reportedly detained from outside a local court where she was scheduled to appear on Tuesday. The complainant was made to sit inside the government vehicle and taken away for questioning by the Special Investigation Team (SIT), reports said. Chinmayanand Shifted to Lucknow Hospital, SIT Submits Report in High Court.
An official statement from the UP police is awaited on whether the SIT has taken the woman into custody. The 23-year-old is booked as an accused in the extortion case filed by Chinmayanand.
The woman, along with three others, is charged in the case of attempting to extort Rs 10 crore from the BJP's ex-lawmaker. The law student, in her recent press conference, had refuted the allegation calling it a ploy by Chinmayanand's counsel to divert the probe team from its finding in the rape case.
Meanwhile, Chinmayanand was arrested on Friday after the complainant deposed before the SIT and shared details of her case with the probing panel. The 72-year-old politician had subsequently applied for bail. A local court rejected his plea and asked him to file a petition before the sessions court.
The complainant has expressed concern ever after Chinmayanand's arrest, claiming that the BJP leader has not been charged with rape despite the "evidence" being shared by her. The investigators have booked him "sexual intercourse not amounting to the offence of rape" which carries a punishment of five to ten years imprisonment along with fine.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Sep 24, 2019 03:35 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website