Raipur, December 7: In a tragic incident in Kunni village, Surguja district, a 35-year-old woman, Meena Gupta, was found hanging alongside her 7-year-old daughter, Astha, near a government high school on Friday morning. Police suspect that Meena Gupta first hanged her daughter before taking her own life, possibly after a heated argument with her husband, who works as a teacher at the same school.
According to a report by Times of India, Meena Gupta and her daughter, Astha, went to the school where she had an argument with her husband. After the school hours ended, her husband left for home while Meena and Astha stayed behind. Police believe that following the heated exchange, Meena took her daughter’s life before taking her own. Bilaspur: Youth Crushed to Death After He Jumps in Front of Moving Truck, Horrific Video Surfaces.
The following morning, Meena Gupta and her daughter, Astha, were discovered hanging from a tree near the school. According to a police official, preliminary evidence suggests that Meena first hanged her daughter before taking her own life using a rope. The couple had been dealing with long-standing marital issues, and their divorce case is currently pending in a local court. The tragic incident occurred outside the school premises, where the two were found later. Chhattisgarh Shocker: Man Dies by Suicide After Argument With Ganpati Pandal’s Organisers Over Loud Music in Durg, Probe Underway.
A case has been registered in connection with the tragic incident, and the police have launched a thorough investigation to uncover the full details. Authorities are working to determine the exact circumstances leading to this heartbreaking event, with a focus on the domestic disputes the couple had been facing.
Suicide Prevention and Mental Health Helpline Numbers:
Tele Manas (Ministry of Health) – 14416 or 1800 891 4416; NIMHANS – + 91 80 26995000 /5100 /5200 /5300 /5400; Peak Mind – 080-456 87786; Vandrevala Foundation – 9999 666 555; Arpita Suicide Prevention Helpline – 080-23655557; iCALL – 022-25521111 and 9152987821; COOJ Mental Health Foundation (COOJ) – 0832-2252525.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Dec 07, 2024 02:24 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).