Chennai, December 23: In a shocking incident, a 41-year-old woman was allegedly murdered by her husband in Tamil Nadu’s capital city Chennai. The deceased was identified as R Vani. After committing the crime, the accused, 43-year-old Ramesh, reportedly packed the body in a gunny bag and hid it under a table at the home. The couple has two sons aged 15 and 12 years. The incident took place in the Otteri area of the city. The matter surfaced when neighbours complained of a foul smell coming from the accused’s house. Faridabad Shocker: Man Kills Wife, Mother-in-Law by Slitting Their Throats.

According to a report published in The New Indian Express, Gautham received a call from a neighbour. He complained about the foul smell coming from the couple’s home. Notably, Vani’s children were staying at their grandmother’s house since Saturday. After receiving the information, the children and their grandmother reached the house.

They found that the smell was coming from a bundle of clothes beneath the television table. After removing the bundle of clothes, a gunny bag with blood stains was found. Vani’s body was inside the gunny bag. The police were then called. Vani’s hands and legs were tied. The police suspect that Vani was stabbed to death with a knife. Maharashtra: 46-Year-Old Man Kills Wife Suspecting Her Fidelity in Bhiwandi, Attempts Committing Suicide; Held.

“The two sons were at their grandmother’s house so that they could study peacefully. According to information from the neighbours, Ramesh was seen leaving the house on Monday night.” Reported the media house quoting a police official as saying. The grandmother of the children told the police that Ramesh was addicted to alcohol, and for the past few months, the Ramesh had a suspicion that his wife was having an affair outside. This led to fights between the couple.

After committing thr crime, the accused fled from the spot. A manhunt operation has been launched to nab the accused. Ramesh was working in a private company in Poonamallee, while Vani worked as a domestic helper.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Dec 23, 2021 02:23 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website