Chandigarh, August 10: In a shocking incident, a 25-year-old man allegedly raped his minor cousin for months during the lockdown in Chandigarh. The matter surfaced after the 16-year-old girl delivered a premature baby on August 8. The girl’s mother approached the police against the man. A zero FIR has been filed against the accused by the Yamunanagar police. Tamil Nadu Shocker: Man Allegedly Sexually Assaults 15-Year-Old Granddaughter, Impregnates Her In Kallakurichi; Arrested.

According to a report published in Hindustan Times, on Sunday, the girl complained of stomach pain, after which she was taken to a hospital where she delivered the baby. The girl is a native of a village in Uttar Pradesh. She had been living in Chandigarh for the past four years with his parents. However, during the lockdown, the girl’s parents were in UP, and she lived with her cousin. Chandigarh Shocker: Drug Addict Rapes & Murders 8-Year-Old Girl For Resisting Goat Theft in Nuh, Arrested.

The accused was booked under section 6 of the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act, reported the media house. The case was then transferred to Mauli Jagran police station in the union territory. Meanwhile, the baby has been transferred to PGIMER.

“When the agency that hired the girl got to know her age, they refused to hire her, and suddenly her situation deteriorated. The girl was discharged today, but she will remain at a one-stop centre till the investigation begins in Chandigarh,” reported the media house quoting Dr. Anju Bajpai, the district coordinator of Childline, as saying. The police have started a probe into the matter.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Aug 10, 2021 09:47 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website