A special screening of the 32-minute short film, Chalo Jeete Hain, directed by Mangesh Hadawale was held in Lower Parel, Mumbai, on Saturday night. The film is inspired by the childhood of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Earlier this week (Tuesday, to be specific), the film was screened at the Rashtrapati Bhavan for the President of India, Ram Nath Kovind. On Thursday, a separate screening was also held for the vice president M Venkaiah Naidu. The film received tremendous accolades from Rajnath Singh, Sushma Swaraj and other political leaders. The Mumbai screening saw a string of political leaders as well as Bollywood celebrities grace the red carpet of the film.

Many industry folks and politicians who have watched the film have had good words to speak about it. The protagonist of the film has been described to have a striking resemblance to Modi's childhood. In fact, even the main character is named 'Narendra', who is on a quest to find out what it is that people devote their lives to.

Maharashtra CM Devendra Fadnavis, BJP party President Amit Shah, Railways Minister Piyush Goyal were among the political leaders who graced the red carpet of Chalo Jeete Hai at Lower Parel last night. A very happy Mukesh Ambani along with his younger son Anant Ambani also attended the screening with smiles reaching both extremes of their cheeks!

BJP President Amit Shah and Maharashtra CM Devendra Fadnavis at Chalo Jeete Hai screening. Picture Courtesy: Yogen Shah
Mukesh Ambani at Chalo Jeete Hai screening. Picture Courtesy: Yogen Shah
Anant Ambani with Mukesh Ambani at Chalo Jeete Hai screening. Picture Courtesy: Yogen Shah
Director Mangesh Hadawale at Chalo Jeete Hai screening. Picture Courtesy: Yogen Shah

Cricketing legend Sachin Tendulkar also made heads turn as he stepped on the red carpet in a crisp yet debonair attire. From the Bollywood industry, celebrities like Akshay Kumar, Kangana Ranaut, Prasoon Joshi, Tabu, Aftab Shivdasani, Kirti Kulhari, Ameesha Patel, Aanand L Rai and more, attended the screening of the film.

Sachin Tendulkar at Chalo Jeete Hai screening. Picture Courtesy: Yogen Shah
Akshay Kumar at Chalo Jeete Hai screening. Picture Courtesy: Yogen Shah
Kangana Ranaut and Prasoon Joshi at Chalo Jeete Hai screening. Picture Courtesy: Yogen Shah
Ameesha Patel at Chalo Jeete Hai screening. Picture Courtesy: Yogen Shah
Kirti Kulhari at Chalo Jeete Hai screening. Picture Courtesy: Yogen Shah
Aftab Shivdasani and Gulshan Grover at Chalo Jeete Hai screening. Picture Courtesy: Yogen Shah

Speaking about the film, Amit Shah took to Facebook to share his thoughts on it. He congratulated the team for their brilliant performance as well as direction. On his post, he also urged moviegoers to not miss the short film as it depicts references from PM Narendra Modi's childhood. Shah divulged into the plot of the short film as he explained certain nuances of the message to learn from the film. Written in Hindi, you can check out his post below:

The short film has also received good response from the critics who have stated how the movie makes an individual think about who they live for. The film will be aired tonight at 9 PM on all channels of Star including their movie streaming app, Hotstar.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jul 29, 2018 03:44 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).