New Delhi, October 30: Congress leader Kapil Sibal on Tuesday said that the hearing of the pending Ram Mandir-Babri Masjid case in the Supreme Court can’t be decided by any political party and the issue has been escalated by the Centre since elections are around the corner."Court will decide when the Ayodhya case will be heard. It can’t be decided by the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) or the Congress. If they want to make a law, then make it.
Congress hasn’t stopped them. This issue is raised as elections approach. Have they been sleeping for the last four years?" he said. The statement of the former minister of Law and Justice came a day after BJP leader Subramanian Swamy stated that the judicature is not above Parliament and that he would raise the Ayodhya matter in the upcoming winter session. Ayodhya Case Adjourned by Supreme Court Till January 2019, Date of Hearing to be Decided Later.
Swamy had also added that Parliament has the right to alter laws and the Supreme Court can only consider whether they are in violation of the Constitution or not. He further said that the apex court cannot pass any law and only Parliament can.