New Delhi, October 5: The CBI has registered a case against unidentified Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC) employees and three other persons for taking a bribe of Rs 7 lakhs While the three accused were identified as Merlin Menaga, Jeeja Ramdas, Rajan M, the others have not been named. Based on a complaint, the CBI has alleged that last month, one of the accused entered into a conspiracy with the others to obtain a bribe of Rs 7 lakhs in order to get a required censor certificate from CBFC for a movie dubbed in Hindi.
It was further alleged that in furtherance of the said conspiracy, she initially demanded a bribe on behalf of CBFC officials from the complainant and subsequently after negotiation, she allegedly accepted Rs 6,54,000 in two bank accounts of two other accused. CBFC Corruption Row: Mark Anthony Actor Vishal Claims Corruption in CBFC, I&B Ministry Orders Probe.
“Thereafter on September 26, the required certificate was allegedly issued by the CBFC for the said movie dubbed in Hindi. It was also alleged that in addition to the said amount, the said accused obtained R .20,000 in her bank account from the account of a private company as coordinating fees for herself," an official said. I&B Ministry Orders Probe Into Vishal’s Bribery Allegations Against CBFC Concerning Mark Antony.
"An amount of Rs.6,50,000 was allegedly withdrawn immediately in cash, out of Rs. 6,54,000, Searches were conducted at four different locations including in Mumbai at the premises of accused and others associated with the accused which led to recovery of incriminating documents." Further probe is currently underway
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Oct 05, 2023 01:59 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website