Mumbai, July 29: In a recent incident of caste discrimination, a Dalit teacher has reportedly faced denial of entry into the Anganwadi centre situated in Melekote village, Doddaballapur taluk, Bengaluru Rural district, for over ten months now. This unjust treatment has hindered her from fulfilling her duties as an Anganwadi teacher. According to TOI, A Anandamma, who belongs to the Madiga community (SC), worked as an Anganwadi helper at Rajaghatta. Recognising her capabilities and commitment, she was promoted to the position of an Anganwadi teacher and transferred to Melekote village.
However, as soon as A Anandamma was promoted and posted to the Anganwadi in Melekote village, the villagers immediately objected. They raised concerns about her promotion and objected to her placement in their community's Anganwadi, the report said. The villagers complained to the authorities and insisted on having a different teacher from Melekote replace her. Additionally, they alleged that Anandamma resided in Doddarayappanahalli, which is located 3km away from Melekote village. Tamil Nadu: Police in Southern Districts Alerted on Possible Caste-Related Violence.
Anandamma alleged that the villagers had prevented her from carrying out her duties at the Anganwadi. Despite her numerous attempts to enter the centre, she has been obstructed by the villagers for the past 10 months. Anandamma added that she comes to the Anganwadi every day but stopped from entering. Anandamma emphasised that she has repeatedly sought the intervention of the authorities to find a peaceful resolution to the issue. She believes that working in the village requires gaining the confidence and support of its residents, and she earnestly hopes for a harmonious resolution to the ongoing situation. Bride Gets Abducted by Own Family Members Over Inter-Caste Marriage in Bihar’s Araria, Video Surfaces Online.
Natraj S, the deputy director of the women and child welfare department in Bengaluru Rural district, informed TOI that domicile verification was conducted twice for Anandamma. The report from the tahsildar confirmed that she resides in Doddarayappanahalli, which is merely 3 km from the Anganwadi centre. According to the rules governing Anganwadi teachers, they are required to live within 3km from the assigned centre. Therefore, based on this compliance, Anandamma was promoted to the position of teacher and was posted to Melekote village.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jul 29, 2023 09:24 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website