In a shocking incident in Madhya Pradesh, a car with three people aboard reportedly fell into a waterfall in Indore. A video of the incident has also gone viral on social media. The 37-second video clip shows a car parked on a cliff reportedly falling into a waterfall in Indore's Simrol area. As the video moves further, people can be seen panicking as three people aboard the car also fall into the waterfall. Later, a youth is seen risking his life in order to save the people. As per reports, the vehicle fell into the waterfall due to the negligence of the father who left the vehicle without applying handbrakes. Madhya Pradesh: Youth Riding Pillion on Bike Warms His Hands With Portable Bonfire Tied on The Vehicle, Booked After Video Goes Viral.
Car Falls In Waterfall in Indore
A car fell into the waterfall at Indor's Simrol area. A man saved the lives of 3 people of the same family. #MP #MadhyaPradesh #Car #Waterfall #Indore #Accident
— anuj kumar singh (@sanuj42) August 7, 2023
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