Building a company into a seven-digit business takes a tremendous amount of time, and you have to wonder where exactly people find it. There are only 24 hours in the day, but is there a secret to creating more? With technology on the rise, companies are finding new and improved ways to streamline their operations and optimize their processes, scaling their business to the six, seven-figure mark and beyond. Business consultant and entrepreneur James Dhillon has built multiple companies based on the unique offering of automation, helping others succeed in an ever-changing marketplace.
James Dhillon was born in London but is currently based in Canada. He is the owner of the business development and consulting company Automaters, and a new company Trusted Sauce, launching this August. "When I first got into the business on my own, I realized the importance of making things as handsfree as possible," states Dhillon. "As an entrepreneur, you are already hands-on for almost everything, and there are significant demands on your time." Dhillon worked hard to streamline the automation process so that businesses could remain laser-focused on their bottom line.
"What Automaters has done is eliminate distractions and busywork, and that is the number one secret to growing a seven-figure business," says Dhillon. "You cannot be lost in the weeds for most of the day and expect to see any success." Dhillon has cultivated success inspired by his commitment to diligence and time management. Dhillon explains, "There is no point in having money if you don't have time. Time management is key."
While we can't buy more time with the right automation processes we can essentially make it for ourselves by cutting down on waste and inefficiency. There is so much that technology can do for our businesses, and bringing it into our processes is the first step. "When you automate, you are freeing up your human talent and setting them up to innovate and thrive," says Dhillon.
"That is what unleashes your organization's success, and that is how you meet your goals." Dhillon believes people are not meant to be desk drones. That is where automation comes in, and businesses that embrace that, are headed for significant revenue increases.
Dhillon is revolutionizing how business gets done through his companies that offer something for the modern entrepreneur. "In our strife for greatness, we cannot forget that times can change quickly," says Dhillon. "With the right automation techniques in place, you can adapt quickly and face anything."