New Delhi, May 4: Two floors of the Border Security Force (BSF) headquarters in Delhi were sealed after a staff member tested positive for COVID-19. According to a tweet by ANI, BSF informed that a staff member working in Headquarters at CGO Complex in Delhi tested positive for coronavirus. The official further added that in the wake of the current situation, the first and second floor of the office have been closed for sanitization. Catch Live Updates of COVID-19 Situation in India and Across the World.
As of May 3, a total of 40 Border Security Force (BSF) troopers deployed in Delhi were infected by COVID-19. On Sunday alone, 25 new cases were reported in the national capital. The total number of BSF personnel affected by coronavirus in India stands at 42. According to reports, the 25 troopers belong to a company, comprising 94 personnel, of the BSF's 126 Battalion are deployed with the Delhi Police in Jama Masjid area.
Here's the Statement by BSF:
After a staff member of Border Security Force (BSF) working in Headquarters at CGO Complex in Delhi tested positive for #COVID19 last night, first and second floor of the office have been closed for sanitization: BSF
— ANI (@ANI) May 4, 2020
On Sunday, the Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) Headquarters in Delhi was sealed for sanitisation after a top staff tested positive for COVID-19. Reports informed that the CRPF Directorate General (DG) had ordered that the CRPF Headquarters in Delhi will remain closed till Tuesday, May 5. As many as 40 officers and staff including a Special Director General rank officer, Deputy Inspector General to be home quarantined.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on May 04, 2020 01:14 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website