New Delhi, February 12: The Amity International School in Pushp Vihar here received an email regarding a bomb threat on Monday morning, prompting police to launch a search operation, officials said. A thorough checking of the school premises is being done by a bomb detection squad which has found nothing suspicious so far, a Delhi Police officer said. Bomb Threat at DPS RK Puram: Delhi Public School Receives Mail About Bomb Blast in School, Probe Launched.
Delhi's Amity International School Receives Bomb Threat:
No suspicious object found on Amity International School, Pushp Vihar premises after the school received a bomb threat email today morning, say Delhi Police.
— ANI (@ANI) February 12, 2024
No immediate reaction was available from the school administration on the matter. "An email was received today morning at around 3.10 am at Amity International School, Pushp Vihar regarding a bomb threat. A thorough checking of the school is being done through BDT but nothing found yet," the police officer said.