Bhopal, September 9: A large number of people were seen without wearing face masks on the streets of  Madhya Pradesh's Indore on Tuesday. People were seen flouting social distancing norms during a Kalash Yatra procession organised by the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in the state. According to a tweet by ANI, the event was organised by the state BJP in support of State Minister Tulsi Silawat in Indore on September 8, 2020.

Tulsi Silawat is contesting from the Sanwer constituency in the upcoming State Assembly by-poll. According to the visuals of the Kalash Yatra shared by news agency ANI, scores of men and women were seen walking down the street in Indore in groups amid the coronavirus pandemic. The street was  overcrowded, raising the risk of a further spread of the COVID-19 infection.  India's COVID-19 Tally Crosses 43.70 Lakh Mark With Spike of 89,706 New Cases & 1,115 Deaths in Past 24 Hours.

Here's the Video:

Indore has been the worst-affected city by the COVID-19 pandemic. Indore reported 295 new cases, the highest number of infections in the state in the day, followed by 205 cases in Bhopal, 182 cases in Jabalpur and 167 patients in Gwalior. The number of cases in Indore, which is the worst-hit district in the state, rose to 15,165. The cumulative death toll in the district is 427.

During the entire event, no COVID-19 rules were being adhered to by the locals and social distancing norms were being flouted despite warning by the government. The COVID-19 tally in Madhya Pradesh mounted to 77,323 with 1,864 new COVID-19 cases while the death toll mounted to 1,609.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Sep 09, 2020 12:09 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website