Muzaffarpur, December 9: A young woman was allegedly set on fire by a neighbour after she resisted his attempt to rape her, a police officer said here on Monday. The 23-year-old victim, who suffered 50 per cent burns in the incident, was currently undergoing treatment at a hospital in the Muzaffarpur town, he said. Based on a complaint filed by her mother with Ahiyapur police station, the accused has been arrested, Station House Officer (SHO) Vikas Rai said.

According to the complaint, the woman was alone at home on Saturday, when the accused, who lived close by, sneaked into her house and tried to rape her. Her mother -- who works at a primary health centre -- rushed home and took her to a hospital after a local informed her about the incident, the SHO added. Bhopal Rape-Murder Case: Mother of 12-Year-Old Victim Demands Govt to Execute 'Hyderabad-Like Justice'.

Saturday's incident comes less than a week after charred bodies of two women, set afire after suspected rape and murder, were found in Buxar and Samastipur districts.

In another village in Ahiyapur police station area, the body of an eight-year-old girl was found on Friday - stuffed in a bag and dumped in an orchard after suspected sexual assault.