Patna, January 1: In a tragic incident, a man in Bihar lost his life after falling from a building in Patna during New year celebrations on 31st December 2018. According to a tweet by ANI, the incident took place in Patna’s Shivam Enclave around 3 am. DSP RK Bhaskar was quoted by ANI saying that the incident took place at around 3 am on Tuesday when New year celebrations were going on in the adjacent building.

As soon as the incident took place, Police was alerted about it, following which a probe was ordered. An investigation into the matter is currently underway. "We've taken a suspect into custody for interrogation", Bhaskar added. 2019 New Year Horror in Bengaluru: Woman Molested by Three Drunk Men.

People gathered in large number at several places across the state in order to celebrate their New Year’s Eve. A large number of revellers were seen on streets of Bihar to ring in the New Year with celebrations. The Bihar Police was kept on alert to thwart any untoward incident during the new year's celebration in the state.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jan 01, 2019 03:00 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website