Pune, December 31: The Maharashtra Police on Monday tightened the security cover in Bhima Koregaon village and have deployed police personnel – 10 times more than the previous year – citing untoward incident for the 201st anniversary of the Battle of Koregaon. Police said that social media is also being monitored.

Around one lakh Dalits across Maharshatra are expected to gather in the Bhima Koregaon village – 40 kilometres from Pune – to commemorate the historic victory of the British Army, which had a significant Dalit contingent, over the Peshwas. The district administration expects that this time the number of Dalits would further increase to make a statement. Bhima Koregaon Violence: Court Grants 90 Days Extension to Pune Police to File Chargesheet Against Arrested Activists.

Stating about the security arrangements, Superintendent of Police (Pune Rural) Sandip Patil had briefed the media on Saturday and said, “At least 5,000 police personnel, 1,200 home guards and 200 volunteers will be there.” Adding more, he said, “There will be 35 public announcement systems, 40 video cameras, 12 drones and 306 CCTV cameras in place, as well. We are prepared for a 10 lakh-strong crowd."

Keeping in mind the social media aspect, which can disturb the peaceful environment of the place, Patil said, “We have been monitoring them since 15 November. But hate messages are no longer coming in.” Though the administration was considering to shut down internet services, but it would have prevented the media from communicating the developments.

So, the administration had banned speeches within 100 metres of the war memorial either. However, the senior police official said that they had received requests from five organisations to hold events in Bhima Koregaon on January 1.

Earlier, police detained Bhim Army chief Chandrashekhar Azad on 27 December from Chaityabhoomi, where Dalit icon BR Ambedkar was cremated. It is also uncertain whether he would be allowed to make a speech in Bhima Koregaon on January 1 or not. Pune: Bhim Army Founder Chandrashekhar Azad To Address Rally on Bhima Koregaon Anniversary.

Adding on, Patil informed that they had taken preventive action against 1,211 people so far under various sections of the Code of Criminal Procedure. Also, 64 people have been restricted from coming into Bhima Koregaon, and six have been expatriated.

Last year, a violent protest took place in Bhima Koregaon after right-wing groups allegedly assaulted large crowds of Dalits gathered at that place. State police had to face a lot of criticism for their lenient attitude towards the right-wing groups.

(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Dec 31, 2018 10:57 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website latestly.com).