New Delhi, July 17: A 15-year-old boy from Bhagalpur district in Bihar has written a letter to President Ram Nath Kovind seeking permission to end his life. The teen said he is 'distressed' over the strained relations between his parents. Following this, the Prime Minister's Officer (PMO) intervened and directed Bhagalpur district authorities to conduct an investigation. Uttar Pradesh Family Seeks Narendra Modi's Permission to Commit Suicide After Facing Severe Water Shortage.
PMO's intervention comes after the President's office forwarded the letter. The boy is currently living in Jharkhand's Deoghar where his father is government official while his mother works as an assistant manager in a bank in Patna. According to reports, the couple is facing a problem in their relationship and accused each other of extra-marital relationships.
The boy had spent his childhood in Bhagalpur but shifted to Deonar after his grandfather retired. The grandfather and paternal uncles have blamed the boy's mother for strained relation with her husband. In the letter, the boy had claimed that the nasty quarrel between his parents has an adverse impact on his studies.
The boy also claimed that his father is suffering from cancer and was being "threatened by anti-social elements" at the behest of his mother. "Disgusted with the situation, the boy wanted to end his life," district officials said. Meanwhile, a probe is launched into the matter.
(The above story first appeared on LatestLY on Jul 17, 2019 11:11 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website